
My Website

August 5,2012
Hey everyone have you visited my website. Well I have a website out there . If you would like to visit my website you can go to the following link. MY WEBSITE I am more than happy to let you all know that it is out there. I hope you all enjoy my website. It is really nice. I created it for you

1st episode (operation recap)

August 3,2012

Well the first episode wasn't bad I just want to say that I am still not a fan of everything that happened. Okay I am going to put it out like this. Like the lies that were told and the things that were thrown across the table wasn't meant for me. I just stayed out of everything and just kept it all away from me.


No I am not Derrick Johnson's replacement. I just joined the show so that I can have my chance to shine and the men can see who I am. Well here is what it is. Before I was a Husbands of Rome t.v. personality. I was also an actor. Yes I am the type that will keep it real and I will claim